What's wrong with conventional online meetings?

Meeting remotely does not work as well as being together in the same room – especially for more than two people. Conventional 2D video conferencing works OK one-to-one, but with more participants it's easy to find yourself talking at cross purposes. Communication cues such as eye contact or gaze direction are missing and you can't turn to focus your attention on a particular voice.

Virtual Reality (VR) "Head Mounted Displays" allow a feeling of presence in a virtual space but the overall experience is still unsatisfactory due to lack of comfort and the use of simplistic avatars. We wanted a solution where you could meet up, look around, make eye contact, view live video and still feel comfortable whilst drinking a brew. Find out more...

Our unique solution:
headset-free immersive 3D meetings

Our patent pending system uses live head tracking to simulate immersive viewing using a webcam, monitor and PC (or tablet) - all running in a web browser:

  • no need to strap anything to your face
  • live video images rather than cartoon-like avatars
  • auto cropped to the face – no background distractions
  • feel present and engaged – like a real “face to face”
  • see who is looking at you and make eye contact
  • no complex onboarding – just send a meeting link
  • hands-free interface – no need to point and click
  • 3d spatial audio – turn your head towards the voice that is speaking

  • Coming soon...

Headzup Beta

(coming soon)

Our software web app (under development) runs completely within any modern browser on any hardware with a screen and camera.

How it works

By turning your head slightly, you can look around the whole 3D space giving the feeling of VR-like immersion. Your head motions are accurately tracked and the virtual direction you are facing is communicated to the other meeting participants. Video feeds are projected onto curved cylindrical screens so you can understand where each person is looking.

Shared Monitor

In the meeting space, you can share videos and slides on a virtual monitor for all to see. However, you don't need to leave the immersive simulation to do this and you can still be fully engaged with the audience in the room whilst talking through your presentation.
Find out more...

Get involved

If you are a potential investor/ beta tester or would like to sign up for news and updates, contact us via email botblker@headzup.live